Puzzle 348: Freestyle 311. Pay close attention…

Last Tuesday’s freestyle solution

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Word count: 72
Mean word length: 5.22

Have something you wanna say? Got a question? Want to do a guest freestyle? Want to collaborate on a freestyle? Want to just say hello? Hit me up by email!

I just got back to sunny Berkshire County, Massachusetts, from a vacation last week in Southern California, visiting family and making an excursion to San Diego. This is a place where the highs were in the low 60s and people were complaining about being cold. Must be nice.

Not to brag, but I love it when I build a long stack with all nice entries (I mean, FRANKNESSES is an 11 that has never been used before, but that’d be, shall I say, a huge demerit) like the one in the upper right here, and none of the entries in the stack have been used before (according to the esteemed Ginsberg clue database). The same is true for the lower left, technically, but one of the entries is a plural and the singular form has been used before.

Thanks so much to all who’ve left a tip! It’s much appreciated, believe me.

Thanks as always to the test solvers for their input.

As always, share this link! Pass it around! New puzzle on Friday!

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